Nerf Gun Wall Ideas – How to Make Nerf Rack?

You can create a Nerf gun wall using a pegboard. Spray paint the pegboard in any color and hang it on the wall. You can then use it to hang and display the Nerf guns. You can also create a wooden frame and place your toy guns on its shelves.

These days, our kids are taking much interest in Nerf Games. To play this game, they buy nerf guns, blasters, and other items that help them to play war games.

Nerf rack must be your first priority to organize your nerf guns, nerf darts and ammo. You can use room walls for nerf storage. A wall or rack full of nerf guns looks pretty cool, and it will show your deep love with blasters.

The nerf gun board items include blasters, bullets, softballs, ammo, nerf kits, and jackets.

Nerf Gun Storage Wall
Nerf Gun Wall

If you are looking for different nerf rack ideas, or because of the availability of several ways, you are a little bit confused about choosing them, then this article is for you. To store Nerf blaster gun collection, we came up with simple ideas for homemade Nerf gun racks.

Ikea nerf gun storage racks are specially made to organize and display toy guns in a beautiful and decorative way. You need ikea pegboard to hang nerf guns on wall easily.

You have to manage the space for the group smartly. This guide will provide complete information on how to build the racks or store items. If you are making nerf organizer, we are going to provide you a complete DIY steps.

How to build a Nerf Gun Rack?

We are aware of how challenging it is to manage the guns without a nerf rack. If you are facing problems like how to store the best nerf blaster and related stuff. Good news for you, as we came up with multiple solutions for keeping blaster guns and creating a bedroom Nerf gun wall diy at home.

Nerf guns and blasters are getting bigger and bigger with each day passing. Decorate your kid’s room with a super creative gun rack where you can hang all the nerf war playing material, including goggles, nerf darts, and helmets.

Tools required to Build a Nerf Gun Wall Storage

Nerf wall DIY ideas will give you a clean and smooth direction from collecting things to making the wall. Building a nerf wall at home is easy if you are innovative; you only need a few tools and materials readily available in every house.

  • Hardboard Peg Board
  • Spray Paint (Optional)
  • Peg Board Hooks
  • Screws
  • Wall Anchors
  • Peg Board Spacers
  • Drill Machine
  • Screwdriver

Step 1:

You can Make Your Own Nerf DIY rack assembly. Measure the wall and figure out how much space you need. If you want to create a 4×4 feet nerf storage wall, you can use painter’s tape to sketch the board’s layout.

With a pencil, mark the locations where you want to hang the nerf weapons. This way, you will get a clear picture of your storage space.

It would help if you had a pegboard of 4×4 feet of dimension. If you don’t have a nerf gun pegboard, you can use simple hardboard and make a grid of holes equally spaced with each other.

Step 2:

Spray your preferred color on the board. Let the kids decide which color they like. You need 1-2 coats of spray paints. Now the base of your wall is ready, giving a fantastic look. Place the nerf gun hanging board on the wall where you want to hang it, and mark the corners with a pencil.

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Step 3:

Make holes for screws at the corners and one at the center of the board using a drill machine.
Insert the screw anchors on the holes and tighten the screws after placing the board. You will need a little assistance from your kids to hold the board while pulling the screws.

We hope your kids will love to help you as their desired thing is getting ready. If you are planning a surprise for your kids, you must take a little help from your life partner.

Step 4:

Now place the peg board hooks at different places where you want to hang the guns, and other nerf accessories. Hang your guns, goggles, vests, and other items with board hooks.

Hang two buckets for holding nerf darts and softballs as they are the essential items of nerf elite blaster rack storage. Save the nerf bullets in the bucket as they are lost often.

Put all the shots and darts in the basket after your nerf party and save them for another game. Consider if you don’t have a specific bucket, you will keep losing the darts.

Nerf Gun Wall Ideas

Wooden Rack

Now that you have your gun hanging from the wall, we can move on to adding some additional features and transforming this into a full-blown Nerf blaster rack.
This is a pretty simple project, but it’s one that we think could be useful when you need to store your nerf guns holding racks.
You will need:

  • 1 x Container (can use cardboard box)
  • 2 x L brackets
  • Some wood screws and nails
  • 1 x Nerf Elite blaster (You can use any blaster)

The basic steps to building this storage system are:

Cut 2×4’s at 22 inches long. The front and back of the enclosure will each have a separate board.
Cut 1×2’s at 16 inches long. These will be used to make the top of each shelf in your case.
Cut another 1×2 at 14 inches long, and drill holes in it where you want each frame to go on each side of your claim.

You will also drill holes in this board where you want each shelf on each side of your case, but do not put any screws in these holes until everything is built together correctly! Install all shelves using screws matching the holes you drilled in the above step.

Secure with screws whenever possible. You will be able to position weapons, darts, eye protection, helmets, etc. after finishing these procedures.

Wooden Nerf Rack

Shoe Rack Nerf Gun Storage

If you have a lot of shoes or even just a couple, this is the perfect way to turn your shoe rack into an amazing nerf storage box. You can create a wall in your closet or garage and hang it on the wall. The nerf shoe rack is made from wood and has multiple shelves for storing your shoes.

Steps to Build Nerf Storage with Shoe rack.

Step 1:

Measure the length of your wall and divide it into three equal parts. For instance, you will have 3 shelves if your wall is 12 inches in diameter.

Step 2:

Cut the wood with a jigsaw or band saw. For all of this, you can use leftover wood or an old pallet piece.

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Step 3:

Paint the shelves with a few coats of paint. Prior to adding another coat, let the previous one dry completely. This will help seal the moisture in the wood and create a more durable surface for your shelf.

Step 4:

Attach hooks to the backside of each shelf using screws and washers. Please make sure you put them at least two inches apart, so they don’t interfere when hanging clothes and accessories in your closet or shoe rack storage unit.

Build Nerf Gun Rack with Wire

You can build wire racks on your walls to place the nerf things on them. Besides providing the storage place for your Nerf Darts, it will also make it beautiful. You require the following material to build a wire rack.

  • Wires
  • Black Spray Paint
  • Paint Brush
Nerf Rack with wire

Step 1:

Measure the height of your rack. Make sure you measure the top of the frame and not just the top surface of the rack. You need to account for any extra space on one side of your shelf, like underneath or behind your guns.

Step 2:

Cut pieces of wires for as long as you want your wire racks on each side of your gun.

Step 3:

Then set these wires in such a way that they will hold guns.

Step 4:

Then attach the wire and place your things here. You can also paint them in black color.

Step 5:

Attach one strip onto each side of each gun with screws through both sides and into each other so that they’re secure and won’t come off quickly when someone bumps it.

Step 6:

Use this wire rack so perfectly for every gun that when someone took off on the gun other guns remain in their places and do not fall off.

Nerf Gun Storage with Hooks

This is the perfect solution if you need a display to hold your Nerf guns storage and other blasters. This guide will teach you how to create nerf hooks storage to hang your guns, with no special tools required.

You will learn how to build the base and attach it to the wall using 3D adhesive, then how to add the shelf with nail holes and screw-in hooks.

The Nerf Gun Wooden Hook Wall is a great way to store all of your nerf guns that you have lying around. You can make it out of wood and look great in any room. The following instructions will help you how to build nerf blaster racks.

Nerf Wall Ideas

Step 1:

Start by cutting the boards for the hook. Use a circular saw to do this, but make sure that you keep it straight so that the clip doesn’t wobble.

Step 2:

Once you have cut all your boards, start screwing them together using wood screws. This can be done in several ways, depending on how many panels you want to use for your hook.

Step 3:

Once you’ve screwed all of your boards together, use glue to attach them tightly so that they don’t come apart when someone uses them

Step 4:

Attach these hooks to the wall and you can hang your guns blasters on them.

Nerf Guns on a Towel Rack

If you’re a fan of the Nerf brand, you probably have a few of their guns hanging around your house. They’re fun to play with, and they’re also great for target practice.

If you’ve got an entire wall dedicated to your Nerf collection, consider putting them on display in another way.

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For example, you could hang them on a towel rack or use them as decorations around the house. This is especially useful if kids play with their toys in your home.

If you have a lot of Nerf storage, it’s a good idea to store them in a closet or on a towel rack. This will make it easier for you to locate the gun you’re looking for when it’s time to play.

You can also use the towel rack as extra storage for your Nerf guns rack, if there isn’t enough space in your pantry or closet.


We hope that this guide will be helpful for you if you are looking for a storage place for your nerf guns. This nerf gun pegboard rack is fully customizable, and you can adjust the space by moving the hooks and hanging guns of different sizes.

The other approaches are also acceptable for this use. Be creative while playing with your nerf guns rack review and water blisters. Thanks to the DIY Nerf gun storage ideas ikea wall for making your kid’s life happy and full of fun and adventure.

By looking at the Nerf History and its business, it is clearly seen that it is one of the fastest growing kids toys industry.


We should choose a wall because finding a place to put our nerf guns is not easy. We can put them on the floor, but they will quickly lose.

Also, if we have children, they might accidentally hurt themselves with the gun. You should keep your Nerf guns against a wall for a variety of reasons.

It will protect your children from getting hurt by the darts. The nerf guns can be dangerous if they hit someone’s eye or nose. It will keep your kids away from the guns when they are not in use.

A wall is also a great way to display your collection without worrying about your items being damaged by water or other types of liquids that might be present in the room where they are kept.

It would help if you use the wall because they are often used for decoration while, on the other hand, basements are dead places, you can make a there there too. It will enhance the beauty and appeal of the wall in your space.

The wall-mounted nerf gun is made with the use of high-quality materials. This means that it will not break easily or lead to any injuries if you are playing around with it or if someone accidentally falls on it.

Yes, you can use this wall-mounted nerf display for your kids. The kids will simply take the guns and start playing the war game indoor and outdoor.

Yes, you can put them on the ground or under the bed, but it is best to avoid doing so to prevent youngsters or your pet from chewing them and causing mischief.

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